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Title:《Silhouette(沙漠剪影)》 No.A02703
Title:《Hope》 No.A02710
Title:《Imagination》 No.A02684
Title:《Crying horse in the sun》 No.A02694
Title:《Joy》 No.A02691
Title:《等待(Waiting)》 No.A02689
Title:《Deafening drum in valley》 No.A02687
Title:《Anxious to return》 No.A02692
Title:《一湾江水抱莲生》 No.A02688
Title:《Northern Shaanxi Waist Drum》 No.A02686
Title:《Innocence under iron hoofs of epidemic》 No.A02690
Title:《远去的文明》 No.A02685
Title:《 Capable of touching the moon》 No.A02693
Title:《The battle》 No.A02675
Title:《Pasture girl》 No.A02677
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